The price of silver dollars has doubled in price in 18 months. Near the end of 2009, an ounce of silver was $16.65. As of March, 2011, the price is $34.37. This insane increase is part of the inflation seen in a wide variety of products today, from food and clothing to gasoline and other essentials. Your paycheck may not be able to cover as much as it used to, but there is one surefire place you can put your money to ensure you have the funds you need when you want it most, such as at retirement. The key to fighting inflation today is to buy silver dollars minted before 1965.
Collectors may not see value in these "junk silver coins," but silver is silver, which is a fact that investors can bank on when they buy silver dollars minted prior to 1965. As already stated, the price of just about everything today is increasing. You can use these rising prices to your advantage by investing today in a market that is expected to remain on the incline for quite some time. Silver is obviously much more affordable than gold, which sells at $1,403.08 per ounce at this time. Therefore, if you are seeking a much more manageable investment, silver is the best choice.
If you invest in 10 silver coins today, even a slight increase in price could result in a substantial profit for you. If you have an entire bag full of this junk silver, you will quickly realize the word "junk" is not a very appropriate term used to describe the investment you have made. How far will silver prices rise in the coming months and years? It is difficult to say, but many who buy silver dollars today believe that it is not implausible to predict that silver could be selling for $100 per ounce before too long.
Many people choose to buy silver dollars because precious metal does not lose its value when inflation runs rampant. In fact, because of the rising price of silver itself, your investment will actually increase in value instead of declining like the dollar does during times of high inflation. It is also very easy to invest in silver because of legitimate wholesalers online that sell silver at much lower amounts than the current bidding price of $34.37. Choose to make your investment today and fight inflation during these financially difficult times.